Melynda’s new work is focused on inner landscapes, unseen realities and spiritual explorations. Melynda shares, “I’m endlessly fascinated with journeys-the journey each of us takes as we discover the path we were created to walk in life. I enjoy painting as I journey. The paintings are a brief glimpse in vivid color of my own experiences, emotions and prayers. My biggest challenge has been to allow myself to paint the good… and the difficult, the beautiful… and the painful-to allow the breadth of my life to find its way onto the canvas.”
This was the description for my solo summer show “Inside Out,” featuring my newest abstract and conceptual acrylic paintings. The show was held July 28 through August 25, 2009 at the new Studio 201 above the Galerie of Pella. The opening was such a great night- so wonderful to have so many people come out to see the show. I love to hear the feedback and watch as everyone absorbs the show.