It's a new day and time for a new blogging home. This will be my new place for encouraging fellow artists with a special emphasis on exploring the edges between faith and art. I'm so excited to share with you some of the new journeys and the many books, websites, and experiences that have inspired and encouraged me. If you are interested in my past blog, feel free to visit Scrapbook with Passion. It's not that I'm not scrapbooking anymore- I still enjoy keeping my family stories and photos and journeys. Scrapbooking has been a great hobby for me as I was raising my young children and a natural fit as an industry to begin sharing my fine art. But, over the last few years my work has continued to blossom and grow into new areas.
I've been peering deep inside the hazy recesses of my heart and life.
I'm ready to acknowledge what is really inside and has been longing to break forth.
I've got criss-crossed, messed up, slowed down, and tripped up on this journey. (I never was known for my coordination!)
I've tried to hide, force it all to stay inside-to stay safe.
I've been climbing up this mountain one step at a time. Encountering much change and transformation along the journey. I'm sure I'm going to loose my footing again, get scared about falling and maybe even ask myself again and again why I started up this mountain in the first place. But, I'll never regret it-never be ashamed of reaching deep for who I am to be in this world.
Can't wait to get everything that has been rolling around in my brain and heart here on the blog.
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